Read between the lines.

When your users talk, Overstand helps you really listen.

With Overstand, product teams can know exactly which accounts, and specifically which users, need a particular feature. Not only that, but product teams can trace back the exact moment the user explained their problem, whether it was in a support ticket, a recorded user interview, a chat message or an email.

We’ve heard this conversation too many times before.

“So many users are saying they need <insert feature here>. We have to build it next quarter!“

“But who are these users, exactly?”
”What exactly did they
”Are we
sure they need this?”

Overstand is the answer.

Overstand catalogs all your customer communications to automatically generate aggregated feature requests. Now, everyone can operate from the same source of user truth.

Integratabtle with everything.

Anywhere your users speak to you, Overstand helps you understand. Whether that’s your support queue, your call recordings or even your emails and meeting notes — when we say all customer communications, we mean everything that you’ve got.

Designed with privacy & security from day one.

Our founding team has a wealth of experience in data privacy & security, and serving clients in the most complex regulatory environments — we’ve worked with banks, healthcare organizations and even government intelligence agencies.

Knowing the stringent requirements businesses face when it comes to data protection, we’ve designed Overstand to exceed the data safety standards from day one. Besides encrypting data at rest & in transit, Overstand can also serve RTBF and DSAR request in accordance with jurisdictional privacy legislation like GDPR and CCPA.

Get Early Access.

We’re doing a limited number of early trials with users. If you’re interested, fill out the form on this site, or reach out to